The One Year Bible

This is the Bible plan that we read through as a church. Every day, you’ll read something out of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. Check out our page for more information.

Alive in Five Evangelism Tool

This is a tool to help make witnessing easy. Rather than handing out these booklets like tracts, we encourage you to memorize the content to the best of your ability and make it your own.

Church Center App

Church Center is where you can explore, engage, and get involved throughout the week.

Water Baptism

Visit this page to learn more about water baptism. Fill out the form provided if you would like to be water baptized during one of our services.

Child Dedication

Visit this page to learn more about child dedication. Fill out the form provided if you would like to have your child dedicated during one of our services.

Spiritual Gifts Test

Follow the link to access a free gifting assessment which helps you find where you best fit in God’s family! This will take about 30 minutes to get very thorough, detailed insight into how God has uniquely gifted you specifically for what He’s called you to do!

4 leadership training sessions led by Pastor Tim to be viewed by anyone serving on a team at River of God Church.

Discipleship Leader Training

Connect and Grow Group Leader Training (2.3.24)

Follow-up Training

Connect Team Follow-up Training (4.4.23)